Now I want to be able to vía a boolean set if the actor will have a random rotation instead of using the spline rotation or not, but the location should always be the one of the spline.
I tried several stuff but either the spline movement doesnt work and it only rotates or it moves uncontrollable accelerated.
The Location looks right.
For random rotation do you want it to be a fixed random rotation or a smooth changing rotation.
For fixed rotation I would make a Rotator variable that you set right at the beginning of the Play Timeline Event and just use a random rotation node.
For a smooth changing rotation, I would suggest using Perlin Noise 1D with the distance being the coordinate parameter. You can use the noise node 3 times with different offsets for pitch, yaw, roll, then use a make Rotator node to create your random but smooth rotation. Note you will probably have to map the noise output to an appropriate value for the rotator (ie, map(noise, -1, 1, 0, 360))
Hi, Could you elaborate more on how to make it work?
If I put the new rotation within the timeline UPDATE it gets crazy speeded up, if I put the rotation unrelated to the timeline doesn’t rotate at all it only updates the location.