Move location via spline but have a random rotator at the same moment

Hi, I followed a tutorial and got an actor movement and rotation work based on a spline using this blueprint

Now I want to be able to vía a boolean set if the actor will have a random rotation instead of using the spline rotation or not, but the location should always be the one of the spline.

I tried several stuff but either the spline movement doesnt work and it only rotates or it moves uncontrollable accelerated.

How can I archieve what I want ?


The Location looks right.
For random rotation do you want it to be a fixed random rotation or a smooth changing rotation.

  1. For fixed rotation I would make a Rotator variable that you set right at the beginning of the Play Timeline Event and just use a random rotation node.

  2. For a smooth changing rotation, I would suggest using Perlin Noise 1D with the distance being the coordinate parameter. You can use the noise node 3 times with different offsets for pitch, yaw, roll, then use a make Rotator node to create your random but smooth rotation. Note you will probably have to map the noise output to an appropriate value for the rotator (ie, map(noise, -1, 1, 0, 360))

Hi, Could you elaborate more on how to make it work?

If I put the new rotation within the timeline UPDATE it gets crazy speeded up, if I put the rotation unrelated to the timeline doesn’t rotate at all it only updates the location.

I was making a mistake. Using the “Set Rate” for one TL for both of them. Blaming the copy/paste :stuck_out_tongue: