I created a spline with an object moving along a spline (location & rotation) all good. Now I want to have an option to enable/disable random rotation. So the object will be moving (location) along the spline but the rotation will be independent from the spline.
I’m struggling with that because I encounter what I think is a bug.
This works fine, of course either way is doing the same movement
but if instead I just COPY-PASTE the content of the custom event. One option of the boolean work correctly but the other one is like speed up. The timeline instead of taking 5 sec it seems to be taking the half so the actor moves faster. When it should be exactly the same, right?
This should also provide the same output but it doesn’t. WHY ??!?!
Is this a bug or I’m missing something. It’s driving me nuts.
Beside of that if someone could help me also with this topic. I’m trying to move an actor with a spline, but I want a random slower animation rotating the object at the same time.