So the title might be a tad confusing but you might have already guessed that it involves a Linetrace.
Well’p you’d be right. Lets say in my scene i have an Oildrum and a Wall.
Is there any way i can move the Oildrum To the Wall from SPESIFICALLY from the Bottom of the Oildrum to the Side of the wall? (Like flat surface to flat surface)
Hit Result is logged from the first hitResult to a set of variables for it. Example:(HitPos1,HitNorm1,HitAct1,HitComp1,ect)
Hit Result is also logged from second hitResult to a set of variables for it. Example:(HitPos2,HitNorm2,HitAct2,HitComp2,ect)
I’ve been messing around with ways i thought i could do it like using the impactNormal/Normal from a HitResult but so far i cant really get the desired result. The desired result would be to have the object moved the hit surface to another hit surface and be aligned with it. Sadly I’ve had little luck.