Move Along Spline Cause Unexpected Rotation/Flip

I’m trying to move multiple objects along a spline. Everything was perfect if they all have the Z-axis aligned to the world Z-axis (pointing upwards). But when I made the spline to bend vertically so the objects would become upside down, it starts to rotate/flip unexpectedly.

I have checked every node within the spline and ensure that the rotation is consistent. The intention is to force the objects rotate vertically and become upside down when they reach a certain distance. But during this transition, UE5 somehow wanted to enforce Z-axis to always aligned to world Z-axis and cause the objects to unexpected flip/rotate in the wrong way.

Is there a configuration that I miss?

It’s a bug in the editor spline manipulation, I’m afraid :-/

See also this thread ( and the ones it points to )

Thanks for the reply. Do you have suggestion for certain algorithm that we can use to simulate the spline as a path?

What I mean is, if the spline does have unresolved bugs in the way it handle the Z-axis, is there a certain formula that we can use to move an object, as if that object is moving along a spline?

Moving an object along the spline is no problem, you can just use the normal nodes ( get location / rotation etc ). The problem is, getting the spline laid out, if you want it to curl back on itself…