A definitive solution for spline mesh twisting (gimbal lock)?

Hi, I’m attempting to create a spline mesh that does not exhibit the classic ‘twisting’ issue. I’ve tried a number of methods, but have yet to have success in 5.3.

I’ve tried Chris Murphy’s:

I’ve tried this code: https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/kqo6ez/usplinecomponent_twists_in_on_itself/

And yet, a spline mesh that bends in Z still exhibits twisting (these solutions all seem to make it actually worse). As I am working in 2D space, I’ve simply resorted to working on the X/Y plane and then rotating the actor containing the spline mesh to make it vertical. Not optimal, but I’ve reached the end of my rope on this.

Any tips greatly appreciated.

I don’t think there is a solution, because the twist is imparted by the editor interface code, as you add new points…

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Ok. I’m a bit confused though, as it appears both of those code blocks promise to resolve the issue?

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But they don’t, right? :slight_smile:

I think they would have to compensate for the unnecessary twist added by the editor, not easy.

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So the solution is no solution. Zen vibes. :sweat_smile:


Yes, the solution is the space where the solution will be…

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