Move actor along spline after a trigger detection


I have a basic problem with an actor. I have a truck that I want to move along a simple spline but I want the vehicle to move only to start moving on spline when the player has been detected first.

I’ve tried multiple solutions with event ticks, timelines and such. But my vehicle is always teleporting super fast and never stops …

The spline is composed of 3 points maybe, so I would need it to move 3 times. Or do I need to make a Level Sequence instead and play the sequence after the trigger detected the player?


Could you show us how do you handle the actor’s movement on the spline?

You also might wanna check out this recent post of mine.

Perhaps you could also elaborate some more on the above.

  • the player enters a vehicle
  • the vehicle automatically moves from spline point 0 → spline point 1
  • are the remaining spline points stops?
  • how do we progress from 1->2?