moustache flickering metahuman UE5

I don’t know how to fix this annoying mustache flicker. Im using Unreal Engine 5.

any suggestions?

Thanks for your help

Hey there, ran into this problem myself too, took me 3 weeks to find a solution, you have to change the moustache from strands to cards(find the groom asset in content browser) and then tick the RBF interpolation in one of the tabs of the moustache groom asset, also change to groom rods.


Wow! It fixed the problem! Thank you!

Instructions for other users facing the same problem:
Changing Strands to Cards + RBF interpolation = off + Hair Interpolation set Rigid Interpolation.

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thx very much . i was tired to fixed this problem .

and thx to you for write this crazy problem

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and thx to you for write this crazy problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!