MouseCursor Below Drag&Drop Widget

Hi all :smiley:

Using the native Drag&Drop functionality, I’m having the case where most UI dragged shows on top of the cursor, thus hiding the cursor. With one it even seems only one widget element is partially hiding it (but the rest is properly behind).

I’ve tried to increase the ZOrder of the Cursor image, but has no effect (which makes sense because it’s not changed on the root cursor UI).

For the cursor I’m just using the UserInterfaceSettings setup (Project Settings). UE adds it to the viewport.

The DragDropOperation I create in NativeOnDragDetected for which I create a new widget and set that one to be the “DefaultDragVisual”:

CreateWidget<UUW_DraggableButton>(this, GetCopyClass());
a_OutOperation->DefaultDragVisual = dragOperationWidgetCopy;

It then natively gets added to the viewport in SObjectWidget::OnDragDetected

Any help would be greatly appreciated, missing my cursor! :smiley:
Am I missing the method to manipulate the ZOrder of these widgets?