Thank you very much @** **for sharing your progress, it’s a very interesting project and some very decent work!
I happily tested the whole set up, the matching method works extremely fine, I instantly got good results on turning once I have my raw resources imported into the engine.
However, there are several problems I found, and I’d like to send feedback to you and to the community
This is my test result
So basically, the sharp turns and rapid stops are nice, but I found it difficult to have my character go straight naturally
That has something to do with the blending method as @ and @**Highflex **said, but yet also a lot to do with not ideal raw animation data, for in the raw data from given project, there are really not many sections contains a fine straight walking loop.
With some additional straight walking clips input into the system, I DO get nice straight, smooth walking actions going on now
But still, with only a tiny fraction of knowledge on C++, this system is more or less remains a black box to me …
I don’t have an idea on how to tweak, or how to regulate the range on the search for matching poses, this may be the last thing this system needs to expose to the artists to be working as a real solid solution.
I know that this demo is not intended to be treated and used as a polished finished tool, but in fact, this tool, this demo, is already showing great potential to be a really good one.
Thank you very much again for sharing your work @, really good job!!