MOTION DESIGN general error when rendering with MRQ in UE 5.4 PREVIEW

Hello nice people out there! Thanks for reading!

I have encountered a problem when rendering with the MRQ in UE 5.4. (PREVIEW)

It happens even with a completely new project with almost nothing in the level and regardless of using Pathtracer or Lumen or whatever. The error only occurs when having the Motion Design Plugin enabled. It does not matter if I use the sequence that comes with the Motion design mode itself or using a manually created level sequence.

Deactivating the Motion design plugin makes the MRQ work as expected again.

I start a new project with Cinematics - “Empty project”, even delete some things so this is what I have in the outliner:


Having the motion design plugin enabled results in a shader compilation trigger and error in the MRQ for each frame. The output log shows this every frame:

LogShaderCompilers: Warning: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.4/Engine/Shaders/Private/RayTracing/RayTracingMaterialHitShaders.usf(): Shader TMaterialCHSFNoLightMapPolicy, Permutation 0, VF FLocalVertexFactory:
           select(Color > 0.04045, pow(Color * (1. / 1.0549999999999999) + 0.052132699999999997, 2.3999999999999999), Color * (1. / 12.92))
LogShaderCompilers: Warning: Failed to compile Material /Composure/Materials/Output/M_SrgbToLinear.M_SrgbToLinear for platform PCD3D_SM6, Default Material will be used in game.
  /Engine/Private/MaterialTemplate.ush(3315,24): error: condition for short-circuiting ternary operator must be scalar, for non-scalar types use 'select'
    return Color > 0.04045 ? pow( Color * (1.0 / 1.055) + 0.0521327, 2.4 ) : Color * (1.0 / 12.92);;
         select(Color > 0.04045, pow(Color * (1. / 1.0549999999999999) + 0.052132699999999997, 2.3999999999999999), Color * (1. / 12.92))

So I can’t create any output at all when having Motion Design enabled, neither path tracer, nor Lumen, nor OCIO work. Nothing helps.

Can anyone tell what to do? I have such a nice Cloner-Effector-Setup but can’t export it…

Thanks a lot!

Hey, we are having trouble too with MD, when we try to render it it compiles 1 shader every frame, but the export is sucesfull if we choose a MRQ Preset in Editor Settings>Motion Design>Movie Render Queue.

And you dont need to have a Sequencer actor, your sequencer is attached to your scnee, you need to set the Transition and render it on the Rundown Asset.

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Okay, thanks. Seems to be a bug in the shader then. I also suceeded rendering, but ittook much more time with the erreor occuring every frame.

Find …/UE_5.4/Engine/Plugins/Compositing/Composure/Content/Materials/Output/M_SrgbToLinear.uasset
and replace the custom node content with:
select(Color > 0.04045, pow( Color * (1.0 / 1.055) + 0.0521327, 2.4 ), Color * (1.0 / 12.92));
Then save the material.


I made this account just to thank you for this. I’ve been trying to fix this problem for hours. Thanks so much!

Hi, I’m having the same problem, and I would love to use the solution. I’m very new to the engine. How do I edit this .uasset file? Do you open it in VS Code, or do you drag it into your project in Unreal?

Hi, first thanks for the answer it’s a real life saver.
If you still have problems editing it open your unreal project and search in the content drawer All/Engine/Composure Content/Materials/Output/M_StrgbtoLinear.
Open the Material, select the “color” node which is named sRGB to Linear and insert the lines AtsK wrote 3 comments above.
Hope it works!

I also just made this account to say thank you! It has been bugging me for hours and made my renders crap slow. Thank you!

Hi there, this unfortunately did not work for me, any other solutions? Thank you so much.