Hi all. I am running through some testing for a scene that is utilizing motion controllers and the basic teleporting setup in VR. The scene is a two-story space.
When I try to teleport to an object that has collision detection, the “move to” location often jumps up to the second floor. Would anyone have an idea on how to get the location to be limited to a certain radius? Or to just move to the closest point on the X,Y axis?
I should add that if the NavMeshBounds only encompass the first floor, this works properly. The teleporter picks the location closest to the object in the X,Y. Once the NavMesh encompasses both floors, any collision object being hit by the teleporter will move the location to the second floor. For a test, I created two NavMeshBounds, and gave them a few feet of separation in the Z. It still sees the NavMesh above and teleports to the nearest Z coordinate. This would make sense in the situation of the stairs, but is obviously undesired in the rest of the building.