Motion Controllers in the wrong place

This is the official latest from Epic:
We’ve found a fix for the bug that you should be able to cherry-pick onto a source build of the engine:

Open the source file Engine\Plugins\Runtime\Steam\SteamVR\Source\SteamVRInputDevice\Private\SteamVRInputDevice.cpp

In the function FSteamVRInputDevice::Tick look for the following two lines at the end of the function:

  1. CachedBaseOrientation = FQuat::Identity;
  2. CachedBasePosition = FVector::ZeroVector;

Change those lines to:

  1. else
  2. {
  3. CachedBaseOrientation = FQuat::Identity;
  4. CachedBasePosition = FVector::ZeroVector;
  5. }

That should resolve the issue.

You will need to use a source version of the engine from github.

My Issue now less about the reset but rather that each hand Rotation is different for Vive, index and Rift - Anyone else seen that? I’m going to have to write some code to rotate each mesh differently for each HMD (and also get users to identify their setup as there seems to be no sure way of doing it). Has Anyone seen this? Searches come up empty.

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