Hello everyone! I ran in to a problem that I see many others have run in to but not been able to find eny resources online on how to fix it. So I figured I will post my solution here.
The motion controller component is not tracking even if everything is set up correctly. It is still vissible in the scene but does not move. I made sure all of these things were correctly set up:
- Motion source configured correctly (Left/Right for example).
- Enable motion tracking = True
- A valid mesh attached to the motion controller component.
- In “project settings → OpenXR Input” create and assign a Player Mapping Input Config (PMIC).
- In the PMIC you just created, create and assign a Input Mapping Context (IMC).
- Create an Input Action (IA) and set the value type to Axis1D (float).
- In your IMC add the IA you just created. Then Add two controller bindings for this action mapping. Seth the first one to “Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick Y-Axis” and the second to “Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick Y-Axis”. (If using oculus motion cotrollers).
- If you are adding your motion controllers with the spawn actor from class node in your character blueprint you need to set the Owner input pin to self.
I am glad I found this solution but it is wierd that this enables the tracking. I mean you dont even have to bind the IMC in your player character.
Hope this helps somene out there. It sure took some time to figure this out…