Hi, I’m using a completely fresh VR Template Motion Controller map and it’s tracking the position of my Vive controllers properly, but it isn’t detecting any of the button inputs.
I know teleportation works because I made it activate on the mouse being clicked and it all worked correctly. However, absolutely none of the actual buttons respond when pressed.
In new blueprints you have to enable player input.
Its an option in the Class Defaults (top bar on the event graph), under the input catagory. As standard it is set to disabled. If you have a single player, set ‘auto receive input’ to player 0, That should enable input.
I’m having the same issue as above poster, my motion controllers are movement tracking however all inputs on controllers are inactive.
My configuration is as follows:
For simplicity of debugging, I’m using the VR template with Auto Receive Input set to “Player 0”. All buttons are correctly mapped. Furthering my pain is the fact that all of my VR Maps that I’ve previously created and have tested for correct button input play are all now suddenly not working. Projects that have I have developed previously with multiple levels and VR capabilities, are all suffering the same fate, no input control from the controller.
Lastly, when I launch any games from from my Oculus Library, like the Oculus First Contact primer game, the controllers DO work. I am thinking that the Unreal Engine install has somehow corrupted itself. I’m running the current 4.21.2 hot swap version. Help is most appreciated in this matter and Thank You!
I’m having the same issue with Auto Receive Input set to “Player 0”. All buttons are correctly mapped. All of my VR Maps that I’ve previously created and have tested for button input play are all not working as well. Lastly, when I launch Oculus game from my Oculus Library, like the Oculus First Contact primer game, the controllers DO work. I am thinking that Unreal Engine install has somehow correpted itself. I’m running the current 4.21.2 Hotswap version.
I’m running 4.23 and I am still seeing this problem. Under project settings > input, I mapped the grab action to the keyboard to test if it would respond and the keyboard definitely worked, so it has to be Touch Controller specific.
This is still an issue.
I recently acquired a Oculus Rift S and am trying things out to make sure all is working properly. NOPE. The Buttons do nothing.
I have created multiple projects from the VR template to empty projects to building from source (Version: 4.25.4-0+++UE4+Partner-Oculus-4.25). Every single one results in the controllers being tracked but the buttons not working. I have referred to Oculus controller input mapping for a reference for the buttons.
I have been at it for a few days referring to plenty of un answered questions on the matter. Some saying to check that ‘Auto Receive Input’ is set. Others say to check input map. Having done this and anything else I can find out there, I turn here ‘reopening’ an old (but relevant) post.
Yes, my controllers work in games and such.
What has the community done to get this working in order to develop with the Oculus Rift S?
I use a rift for dev
I am able to use the template fine
I have packaged win 64 and Quest with no probs.
if you “add” the vr template you need to import your mappings
you need to make the base project from the vr template first not add it after or you will have probs
I also only use open xr and have steam and oculous plugs disabled
Hello everyone, well I also acquired an htc vive pro helmet and when I want via unreal engine 5 to put myself in the basic scene I also have the worries of teleporting myself and taking the cubes no way , I have already tried by placing the player at 0 its password or by deleting the occulus plugins, is there a video that explains what step to activate its htc vive pro correction controllers thank you.
good evening christuusgnosis thank you for your help, I have already deactivated occulus in the plugins, but I let steam activate since its through steam that we activate VR, I will do it, for the mapping you mean that the commands vive trigger axis and so on, be well put I guess because I erased 3 out of the 4 commands and just left those with vive. sorry for the mistakes, I translate with google translate
The SteamVR plugin isn’t being maintained by Epic anymore, and the VR template in UE5 is setup with features that only work with the OpenXR plugin. I’d suggest disabling the the SteamVR plugin and making sure the OpenXR plugin is enabled.
Good evening so I tried by disabling steam vr and leaving XR tick open for teleportation its OK to pick up an object with the right fire button nothing at all no action on the other hand if I press the left grap/pick up he takes the gun from me and shoots the bullets but for the impossible coward the same with the one on the right what should I do surely a maneuver in the input, thank you in advance, I forgot to say that when I shoot the bullet with the gun it disappears directly and does not hit the wall just with the cube it moves and disappears immediately
it sounds like you might have to set up your controller mapping
there are bp actions for the things you want but you have to find out what they named the input mapping to activate them
for example
if they have a variable “jump”
then an input has to be mapped to the name jump
for it to trigger the action
if it is called jump up
then the input action has to be called that for that button in order to fire the action
if you have another version of the project that works you can backup your input settings and import them to the new project