Motion blur ghosting - related to temporal sample AA

I try to render a sequence with movie render queue. There is a car which move forward in the scene.

Rendering settings:
None antialiasing, sample 2, temporal 32
Motion blur on cine camera 0.1

I’ve attached two video about the ghosting (look at the license plate)

  • If I do not override anti aliasing in movie render queue, then there is no ghost
  • If I disable motion blur then there is no ghost
  • If I set motion blur amount to 1.0, then there is no ghost what I don’t really understand why. (I’ve attached a video about it)

Blur amount in cine camera (0.1):

Blur amount 1.0:

So is it a bug, or is it expected?

Hi there @bdezso,

Hope you’re well!

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