A project I’m working on at the moment requires the user to change world geometry on key press, whilst having the correct collision the whole time. A good example of this is the game [Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams][1] where they use the same mechanic to completely change the world.
Using UE4, is something like this currently possible? I understand that morph targets could be used, but so far I haven’t been able to have real time collisions with them, that includes using per-poly collision on skeletal meshes, and using complex as simple on static meshes.
If ANYONE could help with this it would be great, as it is fairly critical to the project.
Random thought: the simplest way is probably to separate the visuals from the collisions. So, based on the example GIF, the visible bridge would probably not have a collision mesh at all, so it’s free to morph in any way it want. At the same time, there is an invisible collision mesh that can switch between two states (or switch between two entirely different collision meshes) depending on the state of the bridge (broken or complete).
In other words, when the visible bridge mesh is broken, there is an invisible collision mesh matching that configuration. When the user changes the bridge into its complete state, the collision mesh is swapped out and replaced with a different one. That’s pretty much how I would approach it at any rate.
I did this during the UE4 Beta! It’s very possible!
The only thing I’d add to 's description is that I also got this to replicate in multiplayer, and the collision meshes are not completely separate from the visible mesh.
The visible mesh is the root component, skeletal mesh actor, and there are two subcomponents that are part of this one actor.
This is more efficient than have 3 actors involved, and is also very easily portable.
As you can see I spawn one of my morphing platforms at will during the video, and everything just works
You can do more complex shapes than a sphere or box by duplicating mesh in its different morphed states and making it invisible, so it is only used for collision
As you see in my video I use quite complex shapes, one which is very convex and hard to make collision primitives for!
As I said to , this is what I am currently doing. I am having the same issue as your video though at 8:40 where even though the mesh morphs, the collider doesn’t. I don’t suppose you cracked that one did you?
Unfortunately not. That project finished using a combination of static mesh materials using world position modifiers, and skeletal mesh which used morph targets, but locked collision states.
So how did you do that?
I need collision on moving water (morph animation with a skeletal mesh) but Phat says it’s only one single mesh.
Many thanks indeed
Hi , Maybe 4.9 editor has built in function(for bp users) for change skeletal mesh collision to Morph Targets shape?
i try to do visual damage for my vehicle and Morph Targets works and deform body mash but collision always the same…
's response (second post) is the best solution. Separate the collision from the visuals and any collision that needs to be enabled or disabled (gap in the bridge) can be done easily via the level blueprint.