Morph Target function GetMorphTargetDelta returns zero LODs on a valid morph target

Hi all,

Been stuck on this one for so long. I developed a character editor using Morph Targets and Skeletal Mesh Merging. This has been working in the past, but recently I have hit an annoying problem that I do not understand.

My Skeletal Mesh is called “WrestlerModel”. This Skeletal Mesh has a Morph Target called “Fat”. I can see this Morph Target in the SkeleMesh editor as well as in game if set manually.

In C++. I get this Morph Target and call the function GetMorphLODModels on it (which I have successfully used in the past to get vertex data from a morph target). This is supposed to return TArray<FMorphTargetLODModel>&, but in this case it ALWAYS returns length zero with no LOD models for this morph target.

I do not understand how this can be possible, when the Morph Target is rendering successfully in game? How does GetMorphLODModels return nothing when I can see the LOD visually?

Is it possible that Morph Targets have not fully been initialized somehow?

I have seen this code snippet work in the past on a previous project, if anyone has seen an issue like this before please let me know. Thanks!