I’ve discovered a bug in morph targets resetting briefly when setting materials on the same mesh.
Steps to reproduce:
Import a Skeletal Mesh with at least one morph target.
Create a basic Character blueprint with this mesh.
Set the morph target to 1.0 value with a Set Morph Target node in the character blueprint on Event Begin Play.
Setup a timer using Set Timer Delegate which calls an event every 2 seconds.
Hook the event to a call to a FlipFlop.
Hook a call to Set Material to the A output of the FlipFlop.
Hook a call to Set Material to the B output of FlipFlop.
Choose a different material for each Set Material call.
Expected result: Only the material changes. The morph target stays the same.
Actual Result: Mesh visibly returns to its original shape briefly (almost instantaneously) before returning to the morphed state.