Module list?

How can I get a list of all Unreal Engine modules?

I would like to know which module I need in my build.cs file to include fbxsdk.h:

		new string[]
			"Core", "Projects"

			// ... add other public dependencies that you statically link with here ...

		new string[]
                            "CoreUObject", "Engine", "Slate", "SlateCore", "InputCore", "UnrealEd", "LevelEditor", "RenderCore", "ShaderCore", "RHI", "Projects"
			// ... add private dependencies that you statically link with here ...

But I don’t know what module does what, and which ones could I add.

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If using Windows, go to Engine->Source on a windows explorer window. Then on the search box type: *.build.cs and you get a list of all the modules included in the engine. Then you can click on the “Name” column to get them alphabetized. When I did this I found: Engine->Source->ThirdParty->FBX. The header file was in: “Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FBX\2016.1.1\include\fbxsdk.h”

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Thx, I suppose this explains how to find modules. However, I can’t find fbxskd.h in my UE4 install directory: in “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.9\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FBX” there is only a single file: “FBX.Build.cs”. In this file, FBXSDKDir is declared this way:

string FBXSDKDir = UEBuildConfiguration.UEThirdPartySourceDirectory + “FBX/2014.2.1/”;

Ok, If you’re not working from source, then the FBX library is built into the editor. You can see how the UnrealEd.Build.cs uses it. The files should be in Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\FBX but you won’t find fbxsdk.h there. It’s meant to be used differently:

Use “module list” command, keep in mind you dont need to hit play to access console, just use “Window->Devlopment Tools->Output Log” (keep it open it’s very useful)

There is also “Window->Devlopment Tools->Modules” it also shows not loaded modules but as i know this does not apper in launcher version

Some not loaded modules may not apper in the list as also if plugin is not active it’s module also won’t be visible

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Thx! I didn’t know about the console commands!