Modular SciFi Series - Engineer Hallways Vol. 2 Released!

Hey Black Cat!

That photo comes from a collection environment that is comprised of all the current existing packs. The pieces in that scene come from multiple packs. I’m assuming you’re speaking of the middle floor, and wall meshes? If so then those pieces (absent the decals) come from Modular SciFi: Props. Hope this helps. =)

Hey everyone!

Something came up and I wasn’t able to devote any time to development for the past few days, but now I’m back at it. Here’s the textured versions of the new doorways. I’m hoping to be able to get the finished update live by next week. =)

Congrats, this pack looks amazing.
I’m not that into high reflecting clean interiors, rather the opposite.
Would love to see a small example using materials with dirt, damage, scratches, dust.
Think about Dystopia contrary to Utopia.

Hey Rotwang, thanks! With the release of my Materials & Decals pack I’ve started in the direction of allowing adjustable wear on assets. I will be looking into including more options, possibly through the use of decals. The reflections are also easily adjustable through the material options. You can apply any metallic/roughness/spec properties that you see fit. =)

Greetings everyone!

I’m excited to announce that Modular SciFi: Interiors will be going on sale for a week starting this upcoming Monday! This happens once a year, so be sure to to take advantage of these savings!

Will be picking this up within the next week.
All your assets are perfect for a sci-fi horror survival game im working on.
I expect i will go bankrupt purchasing your assets as my project grows.

Keep up the great work.

Hey @Nightraiyven!

Thank you for your interest and support of the series! I look forward to seeing how you use them in a sci-fi horror setting. =)

Hey everyone!

Here’s the finished ceiling. I’m really happy with how this piece came out. Going to wrap up the final piece, do some polishing and then it will be ready for update submission. =)



The UE4 SSR keep putting noise on your stuff. I have noticed when SSR quality is set to 50% is gives better results when capturing HighResShot. With quality set to 100% I always get artifacts on reflections. Nice work.

Hey Maximum-Dev!

Thanks for the tip, I’ll be sure to try that next time. =)

Hey Maxdev! I think this would solve pretty much all my reflection problems, how can you change the SSR quality in UE4?


Hey ModBodDolphin!

You can find the settings under post processing. It’ll be one of the last categories towards the bottom. =)

Hey everyone!

Here’s the floor/wall pieces all textured. I’m thinking of doing a variant with lights in some of the indents.
@Maximum-Dev - I tried out the settings as you suggested, unfortunately everything became like glass and there were more artifacts in the reflection. Thanks anyways though! =)




Hey everyone!

I’m not sure what happened with the sale that was supposed to start today. I’ve reached out to marketplace support and hopefully I will have an answer shortly.

I don’t get paid for another few days so im happy to wait :slight_smile:

The sale is now live!

Awesome! I hope you enjoy the pack, I’ll be on the lookout for your horror project! =)

Any chance your other packs are going on sale as well?

Hey Winterdust!

I do at most 1 sale a year for each of the higher priced packs. Hallways was on sale January, so Interiors will likely be the last sale of the year. The other packs are already priced very low, so there aren’t currently any plans to put them on discount. =)

Just bought it.
I couldn’t start working on my first sci-fi game project yet, delayed for months, still working on my first app project trying to figure out and code some complex algorithms (mainly encryption to avoid my product getting stolen and losing money…).
So far I bought only some of the assets I need on the marketplace to create the game which at this point I won’t have a chance to complete before September I think. I hope to complete coding on the app and start working on the game in a few weeks by next month so I will buy your Modular SciFi: Props I and Modular SciFi: Materials & Decals too along with some other assets.
I will clearly have less time to even think about creating everything by myself. I still want to design my own characters and weapons anyway but I need modular assets for everything else or there is no chance to build a working game in a few months all by myself.

Hey DarkS474!

Thank you for your support! Good luck with your project, I look forward to seeing it and how you implement the assets. I hope they serve you well. =)