Modular Menu System - Create your Menus in Minutes, not Hours

Hey guys, we finally received the desired release date for the Modular Menu System.
It will be published on the UE4 Marketplace on February 17th.

We will get back to you as soon as this is confirmed!

Ok guys, hopefully the last change: We agreed with Epic that the Modular Menu System will be released on the March 2nd or even February 24th :slight_smile:


does it include audio settings and keybindings?

Hello Aquazi, here are the answers to your questions:

We will sell the Modular Menu System for $29.99.

Our solution does not include those menus out of the box, but you can easily create such menus with it. In fact, that’s the very purpose of the Modular Menu System, to create such menus easily just by using BP nodes. If however there is a high user demand for built-in audio settings and/or key binding menus, then we definitely might add such thiings to the system in a future release!

I hope that answers your questions.
Please feel free to ask any other questions you might have :slight_smile:

Hello Haimat, I don’t want to be mean, but Quality Game settings supports additional modules and has audio and controls out of the box for 12 $…

Just my 2 cents:
The difference is that Quality Game Settings is meant to be a finished menu and thats it. This modular system is intended as a framework to build menus instead of having fixed ones. It can build your settings menus as well as pause menus, ingame ui’s etc. without having to do much of the UMG stuff yourself.


Hey Aquazi, thanks a lot for your feedback. I don’t take it mean at all :slight_smile:

So, as indygoof already said (thanks for that btw.), the Modular Menu System differs a lot from the Quality Game Settings. The latter aims at providing ready-made menus for … well, quality settings and game settings in general. Our solution however offers a completely open system that is not bound to a specfic type of menu. The idea instead is that it allows you to create menus from scratch for different kind of purposes. From main game menus, pause menues, message boxes, etc. All by using simple BP nodes without touching UMG at all.

Thus, you could use the MMS also to create your own settings menus…

But as said, we are open for feedback, so thanks for that! We definitely want to update the MMS in the future with more features and “out of the box” menus, if there is any demand for that :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your feedback!

… aaaaand we are online :wink:

For support requests, please visit the support forum thread.
Have fun!

does it support gamepad or just mouse?

To be honest, I cannot tell you for sure how much work it would be to integrate controller support into the MMS, because so far we have tested it with mouse on PCs only. However, as the MMS is 100% based on vanilla UMG, it should work quite well with a controller, as long as your controller works with UMG as well. I just cannot guarantee it at this time.

I hope this answers your question!

A short update on what we are working on at the moment. Epic as added support for setting sound effects to various UMG elements via BP, such as buttons, checkboxes, combo boxes, etc. So we are currently implementing this into MMS…

The next version including this new feature will be released within the next few days.
Stay tuned :slight_smile:

I’m bouncing back and forth between getting this… It looks really awesome and would certainly save a ton of time. Before I buy this though, I was wondering: is this a “Create Project” type of thing, from the Epic Launcher library, or “Add to Project”?

It’s great to see you will be adding new features. I look forward to tinkering with this, when I finally give into nabbing it from the Marketplace!

Thanks for the nice feedback :slight_smile:

When you buy it from the Marketplace you get a ZIP file that contains a folder “ModularMenuSystem”, which you extract into the Content folder of you project(s). Within that folder you have some sub folders and a bunch of of BP asset files. That is basically it, you extract the ZIP file and from then on you got some new BP nodes to use in your project. Simple as that :slight_smile:

Please let me know if you need anything else.

[note]I initially posted some support questions here, but moved them over to the support thread![/edit]

Really liking what I’ve tinkered with so far and can already tell this is a real time-saving and empowering tool to add to the belt. Thanks a bunch!

I have fixed the bug you have reported, please have a look at the support thread.

Thank you very much for your kind feedback. We really appreciate that!
If you like the Modular Menu System it would be great if you could give a good rating on the Marketplace for us :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Hey guys, yesterday we have updated the Modular Menu System on the UE4 Marketplace.
Here is the list of changes:

Version 1.1 / 2016-03-11

  • Added new node “SetThemeSounds” (for Buttons, Checkbox, Combo Boxes)
  • Added short delay at BeginPlay in sample project for correct viewport size calculation in standalone mode
  • Fixed Bug: Menu did not remember size after hiding and showing again

Have fun :slight_smile:

This week we have updatd the MMS to make it compatible to UE 4.11, should be fine now.
Please let us know if you find any errors after upgrading your UE installation!

Cheers and happy Easter :slight_smile:

Heyho, today the Modular Menu System has been updated to new version 1.3.
This update includes the following changes and fixes:

  • New BP node SetTextLine to set the text of a text element after adding it to a menu
  • Allow to override theme line height per button via new parameter for AddButton[s] BP nodes
  • Added ID parameter for Messages Boxes, so that you can identify pressed dialog buttons by that ID
  • Added parameter to vertically align a custom widget when adding it to a menu
  • Fixed bug: Now you can add custom widgets correctly to a menu
  • Fixed bug: Items can be selected again in text scoll boxes (after update to UE 4.11)

Of course we have also updated he manual, which you can download from here.

Have fun!

Hi haimat,

Any news for VR compatibility ?

Count me as new customer :slight_smile:

Hi haimat

[FONT=arial black]I Have three questions

1) [FONT=Arial Black]Loading Screen - With the MMS I can create a simple loading screen showing images with animated bars or circles and superposed 3D objects?

2) [FONT=arial black]Play Online Button - The Play Online button is functional? I can really replicate a game, developed properly for replication, using such button?
Do you have a working menu example to Play the Game Online, an already replicated ready game, like in Editor, Two or more machine conected.
I can press Play Online button: And play the game online (wait for new players to join the section). There is a function in the menu system for this or I have to create one?

3) [FONT=arial black]UMG Integration - I can be editing the templates look using the UMG editor?