Modular Menu System - Create your Menus in Minutes, not Hours

We have added a graphics settings menu template.
It will be compatible to our C++ solution for persistent graphics settings.

Hope you like it :slight_smile:

Looks really good

Not really, but I blame myself for not being specific.

What I am asking is how easy it would be to define and compartmentalize a block of functionality, say a custom menu, and then dynamically create and display that menu in an event based fashion. One example usage case is to allow any object, from anywhere, to spawn in a complicated menu via a single function call, with the framework ensuring that further calls don’t spawn in duplicate menus, especially while the first menu is still displayed.

Best case scenario, I as a developer can create a custom asset containing the menu definitions and load that asset, with togglable menu duplication protection, via a single function call, passing a reference to the asset on disk.

Worst case scenario, I have to implement all the necessary calls for the aforementioned functionality myself in a custom UInstance class and blueprint function libraries.

Either scenario, this is still really awesome.

So the workflow for the modular menu system is like this: First you create the menu, as shown above, which gives you an instance of that (empty) menu. It is not shown on the screen yet. Then you add elements to that menu instance, as you want, like buttons etc. Later you can show (and hide) that menu instance to the screen – you can do so anytime you want, either directly after creating the menu, or at any later time.

By UMG default you cannot add the same menu instance to the viewport multiple times, thus you cannot (accidently) show the same menu instance on the screen twice.

I hope that helps a bit to understand the menu system works. Please feel free to ask further questions if you have more of them. I am happy to share as much information as you want!

Thanks man :slight_smile:

So, a last update before we will submit the Modular Menu System to the UE4 Marketplace.
We are close to finishing our work on the themes we will ship with MMS. Here are a few screenshots:

At the moment we are making last changes and writing the user manual / documentation.
We plan to release the MMS with in the next few days.

Hope you will like it :slight_smile:

Looks Great. Expect it to take weeks to make it to the market.

I cant wait!!!


If anything goes right, we aim to submit to the UE4 Marketplace on Monday!

This looks amazing!

I’m working on my first game and implementing all the game mechanics is pretty straightforward, but dear lord the UI is a real pain in my butt.

One question though… Are the items in the drop downs fixed or is it possible to bind e.g. an array of structs as content?

I’m still echoing what I said earlier about customizable key-bindings. Which game doesn’t have key-bindings, anyway? And all gamers are annoyed if they find out you can’t customize contols via main menu. So customizable key-bindings are a must for such blueprint imo…

The latest screens looks very neat, keep up the good work!:slight_smile:

You always pass-in an array of strings for the drop downs, which is then used as list of options. Dynamically chaning this list of options is not supported yet, but I guess it will be easy to implement such a feature. I will put that on my list of todos for the first update!

Yes I agree, I also want customizable key-bindings in the games I play. It won’t be hard to build such a menu/dialog using MMS, you can definitely do so with our first release. That will however not contain such a template out-of-the-box. But I can see your point, will put that on our list of todos for the first update.

Thanks for the feedback – on both the key-bindings menu and the screenshots :slight_smile:

I was talking about a control/widget resembling a DropDownList in e.g. ASP.NET. Having an array of structs (int, string) and passing that to the widget where the int is the key/value for the item and the string is used as the caption.

So in our system you pass an array of simple strings to the combo box creation BP node. Each string is the value to be used in the combo box.
The event handler included in the system tells you the string when the selection has been changed.

A short update on the status of the Modular Menu System: We have submitted the project to the UE4 Marketplace, and some days ago got the feedback that Epic has accepted the MMS for a closer look. We hope to be part of the UE4 Marketplace soon!

In any case we will keep you updated as soon as we know more :slight_smile:

Until then: Happy new year!

Not sure if its been asked but how much are you expecting to sell this for. Really hope Epic release it soon.


Hi, we plan to sell the Modular Menu System for $29.99.
It’s still in review at Epic, I will keep you informed on any news!

Fantastic. Great price point as well. Look forward to picking up a copy of it

I just received a mail from Epic, they have accepted our submission to the UE4 Marketplace.
Yeah :slight_smile:

That’s great news :slight_smile: