Mods don't not work in game after uploaded to Steam, but work in editor

Good day fellow programmers.

I’ve been using the editor now since v185, it has never compiled (cooked) any mod into a workable version. Beginning to think it never shall.

Alright – I have done everything forward and backwards to get a mod to work in-game. It refuses to do so. Works great in the Editor, etc. but once uploaded - nada.

Things I’ve Tried:

Setting the Primal Game Data Override.
Setting the Game Mode Override.
Linked Engrams and Items Correctly.
Cooked, Baked and Buttered the Darn Thing.
Deleted Everything From the ARK Mod Directory and Re-Downloaded.
Re-Uploaded After Deleting It From Steam.
Followed the Video to the Letter T.

Whatever it is - the mods can be downloaded, can be chosen, but do not effect the game at all when ran in the actual game. This is try 6 in a row.

I’ve backed up to square one now.

I created the “Super Rifle” from the tutorial for kicks, thinking - ok. THIS has to work - it works in the video.
Every step taken, followed as close as possible (since the video version is way out dated).

Yet, alas - nothing.

I am at an impasse. I can not continue anymore to beat my head on a non-moving solid wall.

What am I missing here?

Oh, my Dev Kit is v201.6 - newest out as far as I can tell.

Same problem here… I created a simple Welcome Screen with Game Community Information on it and run it in dev kit but does nothing in the game… What makes it worse is every time i hit play to test it it locks my system down for 30+ minutes to the point even the mouse doesnt move. So testing different methods is almost impossible.

I’m finding it **REALLY **hard to believe that NO ONE has an answer to this issue, since MODS are OBVIOUSLY being made.

As for the delay you’re having Vindomire - it’s normal for the editor to take a minute or two to get ready to run the first time it does something or switches between major things. 30+ minutes though makes me think you may be running it on a system that doesn’t really have the oomph to run this kind of editor/development tool or it’s doing something serious in the background that is taking up either the CPU or Hard Drive’s time. I know it says the recommended ram is around 8gb - but I find that it actually runs smoother on 16gb - even with my 980ti, I upgraded my ram. Helped a TON.

Before uploading to Steam (if doing it via the devkit), check the output folder in ARKDevKit\ModTools\Output. Does it output all of your custom files or pretty much nothing at all?
I had that problem. Turns out, at present you have to specify a map for the mod, and I think it needs to be in the mod’s root directory. An easy fix would be copying the map from “genericmod”. It also needs a unique name, so rename it (and don’t use “testmap” since that already exists somewhere).
Not sure if that’s the problem you’re having or not, but try it.

Thanks for responding.

I’m not sure what is supposed to be in the folder. It doesn’t seem to be much at the moment: just some INFO files and 2 other folders.

Here’s what IS in the test mod based on the Super Rifle.

The Sol_Mod_Testing Map, is the one viewed - used for testing IN Editor.
The Solturnian_Mod Map, is the blank GenericMod Map from the original (It’s just a blank, black level).

PrimalGameData_BP_Solturnia is refrenced in BOTH maps as the Primal.
I have left Force Map blank, so the user can choose a map, such as TheIsland.
GameMode Override is Set to GameMode_Solturnian_Mod on BOTH Maps.

The Test “Super Rifle” EngramEntry and Primal Item BPs are included, as you can see.

The “New Floor” Static Mesh is there, since it is in the testing map and not cooked as part of the normal - as per the Video.

This is My Cook Screen - I use the Cook Mod Button, as shown with the added pointer there.

Then I upload it, it has no problem uploading.

And here’s the Mod Folder’s Contents after the Last Cook/Upload.

Hope these Help.

  • Chris

i have the same problem with same output files!

plz tell a fix or fix this ASAP :slight_smile:


i have the same outputs. the files seem awful small… 1kb for how long it compiles…

i found if i cook with the map NOT TheIsland but the name of the level you renamed after copying from GenericMod it does in fact cook with all the assets in the directory. In the level data forceload TheIsland and bam it SEEMS to cook right… however my mod crashes when i load it now so dont know if this is one step in the right direction or not…

I’m having this exact same problem also it shows up in the steam workshop, I download shows up in my mod folder, it even shows up in the list of mods to load but when I load the game the engrams just aren’t there :frowning:

OMG I finally got mine to work in single player don’t know about multi yet one step at a time… my issue was

I had to COOK with my map and that map doesn’t have the force load map on it

but I cooked as “cook game mod” and when I uploaded it worked everything is in game and I’m on the island with all the stuff I already crafted. Hope this helps someone else cause I’ve been banging my head on a brick wall for about 12 hours but I finally got it work SO EXCITED

Like what the Sench has mentioned, before you started any mod, you should copy the 3 files inside the GenericMod folder to your own Mod folder. Rename it as your like.

Key in your Level map name into the MAPS field and then cook game mod.

Before cooking, ensure that you saved all the relevant files.

Yea i got that figured too. Leave the forced map out and now my mod shows in the esc screen and cooks properly… still doesnt do what i want but i think that has to do with how im trying to do it.

Alright - It Seems I have Figured This Problem Out.

A lot of people keep referring to using the Original 3 Files from the GenericMod already provided.
Problem was - I DID.
So I kept looking elsewhere for the problem.

Here’s the culprit:

The Cook Command Line.

If you look closely at the Cook Below:

You’ll notice the Fill-In section is an ACTUAL MAP named/used in the testing only. This map doesn’t need to use a forced name or anything - but it DOES NEED to be named here exactly as you spell it.

I had used this blank as a description for the map. :rolleyes: Oops.

Once Properly Set, It created the Mod with no problem and it worked just fine.

So – Fixes To Try To Make Sure Your MOD Works Smoothly:

  1. Start With The 3 Files From The GenericMod Folder.

    a. **GenericMod (the Orange Level) - Come To Find Out, You Can Use ANY MAP For Testing, Not Just This Blank One. I Use: TestMap **(From The Original MAPS Folder)
    b. **PrimalGameData_BP_GenericMod **(The 1st Blueprint)
    c. **TestGameMode_GenericMod **(The 2nd Blueprint)

  2. If You Rename These Files (Which You Can To A Degree) Make Sure **PrimalGameData **STAYS In The PrimalGameData_BP Name. A Dev Said It Is Important, Since It Seems To Be Hard Coded (Something You Can’t Change)

  3. In Your PrimalGameData, Set The Default Game Mode To YOUR **GameMode **(The 2nd Blueprint) In this example, It’s TestGameMode_GenericMod.

  4. In Your Test Level, Open World Settings. Scroll Down Just A Tiny Bit - You’ll See: Primal Game Data Override. Make Sure It Is Set To YOUR PrimalGameData_BP. In This Example It Is: PrimalGameData_BP_GenericMod.

  5. In World Settings Still, Just A Little Bit More Down is Game Mode. Make Sure GameMode Override Is Set To YOUR GameMode. In This Example It Is: TestGameMode_GenericMod.

  6. Once Done With Your Mod, And Ready To Cook It. File > SAVE ALL. <Ctrl-S>. (Be Safe, Do It Twice.)

  7. Click Steam Upload. Starting From The Top and Going Down.
    a. The First Blank SHOULD Have Your TEST MAP NAME. In This Example It Is: GenericMod (The First Orange Level Box, Remember?) Make Sure It Is Spelled EXACTLY As Your MAP.
    b. Choose Your Cook Type.
    a) **Cook Map **- This Cooks A MAP MOD. For Those Who Create WORLDS.
    b) **Cook Game Mod **- This Is US, Where The Map Isn’t As Important. But The Modifications Are.
    c) **Cook Total Conversion **- Yeah, This is a COMPLETE Conversion. Like the Survival of the Fittest.
    c. Wait. Patience Is a Virtue Here, Cooking The Mod Can Take Time. Once The JOB COMPLETE Pops up. You Can Upload It.

    1. Browse Button - Click It To Pick a Picture (PNG usually and under 1mb) For Your ICON In The Workshop.
    2. Title. Name Your Workshop Mod.
    3. Description. Give A little Information About What The Mod Does or Is For.
    4. Visibility. Use Hidden Until Your SURE Your Mod Is Working Great.
    5. Change Notes. What Is Different This Upload From The Previous?
    6. Upload, Reset Publisher and Reset Mod Guid Buttons.
      a) **Upload **- This will open the SteamCMD box. You’ll need your Steam ID and Login Password. If you’re using this for the first time - you’ll also need to add it to the Steam Guard (Get a password from your email.)
      b) **Reset Publisher **- This Resets Your Mod To Make Workshop Think It’s a Whole DIFFERENT Mod. Previous Subscribers Will No Longer Have Access To This NEW MOD - Since they are subscribed to the OLD Mod.
      c) **Reset Mod Guid **- Ok, This One I’m Not Sure About. I’ve Never Had To Use It. If Someone knows exactly what it does -let me know.

Those Are It For The Making Sure Your Mod Is Ready. Now You Can Go To Steam and Subscribe To Your Own Mod, Open Ark - Choose To Start A Local Single Player and Add The Mod To Your Game. :slight_smile:

Error Checking INSIDE YOUR MOD Is Beyond The Scope Of This Post. If Something ERRORS or the Internal Parts of the Mod Are Bad and it doesn’t work, at least your know It’s Not From SETTING UP the Mod.

Hope These Help!


Happy Modding!

Remember to restart steam after you have uploaded the map. That normally fixed the issue when i couldnt see the updates i made.
Dunno if that will help :slight_smile:

This is true - Uploading actually logs you off of your main steam. You’ll need to re-login to get the update. You can’t be logged in in 2 different places at the same time. :wink:

thanks guys, that explains the no connection every time i upload. great info there.

yeah had that issue too, it’s annoying everytime I upload I have to exit steam and re log in … there really should be a (go online) button when you log yourself off like that :confused:

Thank you CFrankie!
that finally worked for me!

Glad to be of help.