I add a copy of files with existing Transform (Modify) Bone to UE4 project and build my solution, but new class is not visible for editor when I try to add him in Event Graf. What must be modifying more?
You need to rebuild the engine in order for that modification to be compiled. Best would be if you would build get engine from github, this way engine builds with your project and all medications to engine are applied with your project
I’m register on the github and link accouts github and Epic Games, but I can’t find UE project for download. https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine – error 404.
Wait for a bit as it is bot controlled, make sure you typed in name correcly with proper casing. If you don’t get permission then contact epic account support.
Remeber that when you modify the engine if people who will work with project will need to have that modified engine too, or else oyu might have unexpected supprices. Before modify it is better to think it over if you can do modification of something in other module (project code or plugin). remember that you module you writing is just extra module that will be added to the engine, so essentially you extending the engine it self by writing C++ game code. Enigne code even provides different forms of extenders which allows to modify functionality without need to modify enigne modules.
Where I can read about writing plugin?