Download source , make the edit and rebuild the engine
make a new UE c++ project, create a class , open vs studio and modify the engine cpp file from there and build the solution (this isnt working for me )
Yes it worked that way for me.
Is there an alternate way I can do this so I dont have to maintain a different engine build (outside of the one that ships with the Epic launcher) ?
Is rebuilding the engine the only way I can modify the functionality. Cant i derive a plugin from the particular cpp files and then have that over ride engine functionality .
Building the engine from source every time i experiment to make changes is such a time sink.
I think the easiest way to do this is to add an option in the editor once. In your case, as I understand, you want to use “Feets” instead of default centimeters ( or other options such as meters/kilometers) for Measure Tool. Here’s how I would do it and am sure there could be better ways for doing the same thing. These settings can be accessed from “Editor Preferences”
Thank you Rupesh.
That’s such a nice way to do it.
I wish someone would deconstruct how this can be extended into a plugin for educational purposes.
UE even have this implemented as experimental plugins .