Hey guys,
I’ve got actors in my scene (spawned via C++) and I want to attach and modify NavMeshBoundsVolumes to them (also via C++).
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
NaviMesh = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ANavMeshBoundsVolume>(Super::GetActorLocation(), Super::GetActorRotation(), SpawnInfo);
Albeit the NavMesh is added to my scene, some problems occured in my attempts so far:
- Mobility
I’m not able to attach my static NavMesh to my movable Actor. How can I change its mobility? (SetMobility() doesn’t work). Currently I connect the NavMeshs via pointer to my actor class, but I bet there is a more elegant way - Brush Shape
The default brush shape of my spawned NavMesh is “None”, however I want the box shape (via CubeBuilder) to girdle my actor object. How can I change it via code?
Thanks in advance!