Modify Blueprint Class programmatically in Editor

Hi all,
this question is probably more general than the topic suggests. Generally, as used to from other 3d programs/editors, I am missing the ability to automate things in the editor by scripting.

In this case, I have imported fbx models (“Import into level”) as Actor Blueprints. Now I need to assign new materials to any of the components, as well as do some settings on each static mesh component. Alot of manual clicking around, so I am searching for the possiblility to completely automate that task.

I could not find out how to even access the BlueprintClass Asset - guess this could be possible writing an editor plugin? Even though I would even more prefer if it was somehow possible using the but I guess as soon as I know how to do it using the C++ API it is possible to transfer this to python.

There is a probably related question here:
