Modified version of Unreal Engine 4

Hello guys!

When they say “… a modified version of Unreal Engine 4 was used”:

  1. … what does that mean?
  2. … which has been modified
  3. … how was it modified?
  4. … why was it modified?
  5. … can I modify it?

For example, Days Gone: “… the game uses Unreal Engine 4- a modified variant of the game …”

  1. It means someone has obtained the UE4 source code and made changes specific to their needs
  2. Which source has been modified will be specified by the modifier – they obtain a specific version of UE4 to change
  3. Those who modified it are the only ones who can explain how, but in some way they changed the source
  4. Same as 3: the why is up to the modifier, but they did it because UE4 didn’t provide what they needed out-of-the-box
  5. Yes you can, but you shouldn’t unless you absolutely must

Check out this link (Unreal Engine on GitHub - Unreal Engine) and if all goes as it should, you can have the UE4 source code in a matter of minutes. If you ever want to do client/server development, you will need to use the engine source anyway, so it’s good to have access. You won’t need to make changes per se, it’s just that building a server requires the source code.

Just be warned that you are opening Pandora’s box. :wink: