Modifications to Health and Shield do not apply after v29.30

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Games that modify Starting Health (adjusting it to anything other than 100) or Starting Shield (modifying it to anything other than 0) no longer apply when set in the Island Settings. IE. If a game is set for players to have 1 health, their starting health will be 100. If a player’s Starting Shield is set to 100, they will start with 0 shield.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create an Island
  2. Modify “Starting Health” and / or “Starting Shield” in the Island Settings
  3. Start Game
  4. Check health and shield.

Expected Result

Starting Health and Shield are what they are set to in Island Settings

Observed Result

Starting Health and Shield are not what they are set to in Island Settings; they remain at 100 health and 0 shield.



The status of FORT-736008 incident has been moved from ‘In Testing’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’

Seems like alot of “Island Settings” options are not applying to players


Thank you, checking into it.

This may just be another symptom of this problem but when applying a class that changes the max health and shield and then removing that class, the max health and shield don’t change back to what was set in Islands Settings.

For example, apply a class that has Max Health set to 200. The remove that class and the players Max Health stays at 200 when you’d expect it to go to 100, which is what the default is in Island Settings.

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