Models (foliage) turning into boxes from a distance

Hey there,

I am new with Unreal Engine 4 and have run into a problem when looking at models (foliage) from a distance. Any idea what is causing this? I did try change the culling distance but that made them disappear at a ridiculously short distance.

Thanks in advance.


After a certain distance foliage starts to use billboards, since rendering foliage is expensive and this is an optimization.

You’ll probably have to provide some billboard textures for it. Been ages since I worked with Foliage so somebody else may be able to help more there.

Yeah, you have just forgot to set up the materials for the LOD models of the mesh.

Thanks for the replies, really appreciate it! Going to tinker with that now. Gotta say, UE 4 is by millennials the best modern engine I’ve worked with.