Modding Lyra Starter Game - My Journey so far

I’ve just finished my 3-week journey of learning from Lyra Starter Game.
Tons of work needs from now on to merge my two prototypes. Showcased features:

-Custom Level and Experience: Shooter Game Highrise Level
-Custom Characters: Paragon Heroes: Murdock, Twinblast, Wraith, Lt Belica, Dekker
-Custom Weapons: Sci fi Weapons Dark + Sniper Rifle with FPS Camera and Render Target Scope
-Looting items spawned on Death
-New Abilities from my previous prototype: Fireball and Overload
-Basic Dynamic Cover System
-God of War Compass Radar
-Infiltrator Thermal Vision
-Weapon Swapping with Weapon Spawner (4 weapons for 3 slots)

My Lyra-based Prototype:

My Action RPG Prototype:

My ‘Modding Lyra Starter Game’ Playlist:

My ‘Recreating Mass Effect’ Playlist
Recreating Mass Effect - YouTube


The Prototype is looking Awesome! Its fun to watch it evolve as you add new features to LYRA. Please don’t stop!

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Thanks, your comments are very motivating. I’ll be doing more mechanics soon, now I am learning character clothes design and modeling. Thank you for the visit.

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In regards to Character Clothing, I need to do a little myself. I’m no modeler, so its a huge challenge for me. Acquired MarvelousDesigner 9 License years back and never installed it LOL. I’ve designed-on-Paper a Cloth System for UE that uses Patterns to attach Cloth Pieces that form Garments. However, I’ve been stalling on developing it in hopes of a procedural cloth solution to appear. Draper looks like the solution of my dreams, but I cannot do another subscription as I suffer from subscription-fatigue. Haha.

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I have MD7 perpetual license, which is good enough to me for now. I installed a few times without any decent progress, because making clothes is not my favorite part of development cycle, tbh lol. At least, I’ve already learned how to create jumpsuits that go underneath armors.
If you have MD9, it’s even better in terms of UV and retopology if I am not wrong.

My struggle with clothing in Blender is the fact I am always creating armor pieces with rough edges, which makes my outfits looking distorted and broken when animating. I understand the worflow, I fairly know what tools are needed, but my execution is always below my expectations. I definitely need more dedicated time and patience to build up these skills.

I also have zbrush 2022, but I need a drawing tablet and pen to get started.
And drapper seems to be great, but I learned it’s so overpriced that I’ll wait until next year.

The ‘Clothing Dilemma’ directly effects the Theme and Artstyle of my Games. Most if not all of my Themes are Sci-Fi so I can define what the armor/garments aesthetic using what I have available. I’m investigating deeply into various Procedural Generation techniques with Blender and designing my own (Ref: OSMIUM Construction: Procedural Armor (Hardware Upgrade) - YouTube)

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That’s cool, I guess your method would also allow using nanite, something similar to what was done in the valley of ancients demo. Keep it up.

Yes. Multiple Osmium Actors can be applied for different layers of mesh patterns. The inspiration for developing it was to revamp my Golemcraft System. But I’ve learned so much more since the time of is creation. I’m using Osmium on various entities from weapons to Monsters.

BTW, im a huge fan of Dynamic Cover. Your tutorial on implementation is really Awesome!

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Looks interesting. And glad to know my cover system helped. Thanks for the feedback.

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If you make games like this you don’t need MD, armor suits are best made by just modifying the naked character mesh, then the suit doesn’t need rigging as you just formed it from the original verts.
Take your base character mesh thats rigged, load it in to Zbrush, subd to 4M+, sculpt the suit without changing the underlying topo, export your maps and mesh and there you go.

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Thanks for pointing the right direction. I really need to invest more time in Zbrush and its required modeling skills. I’d appreciate if you could point a good tutorial demonstrating an armor modeling. I only have a good one for helmets, from Mike Hermes.

Mike pavlovich has so many that are good.
this is a good series too

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His playlist is huge, thanks. I’ll try to get started very soon.