[Mobile] SCI-FI First Person Shooter

Creating rocket launcher.

btw anyone is watching this thread? Maybe I won’t spam my progress here.

Should you work with publisher? Some tips and info about working with them.

Pretty awesome so far. What is your target? Iphone / android / tablets?
Shooters on mobile is pretty fun. This one looks promising.

Game will support PC/iOS/Android for sure.

There is an chance it will support PS4 and XBOX One as well because kinect/move will fit great for the gameplay. VR could be added as well. But still It’s to early to talk about this. But yea - there is interest about consoles/VR as well.

Interesting. I’m sure you must be targeting higher end phones. Most i could manage on iphone 5 was about 200k polygons with no spec maps.
And using dynamic light omg… killed fps.

Yes - only hi-ends.

I could support mid-ends (disable PBR, static lighting and emulate it on emissive using cubemaps / shadow casters) but I don’t have graphics artist which can create models and textures. I want to create this game by myself so I need to go easier path with less target.

Really glad youve updated all these tutorials to be more advanced! Is there any download for the final tutorial product? Ive tried following the tutorial from the beginning but Ive been running into several problems that seem to come from you not writing about everything you have been doing, for instance Im not sure how even select the weapons that I have created to test if they even work.

Unfortunately no because I’m using assets that need to be bought. I can’t share with them. What I can do is to share blueprints only but you will get NULL references so I don’t see the point.

I will be grateful for more detailed informations here. I’m writing about everything what I’m doing in new version of the blog, and if you are after weapons tutorials you will be able to plug in new custom weapon in no time, as I did for rocker launcher or sniper rifle.

The biggest problem so far is probably actually getting the weapons to spawn and equipping them. You didnt really mention how to do that aside from saying to include a button that adds all weapons to the slots, but how do you test specific weapons, how do you pick them up off the ground and so on and so forth.

I wouldnt mind if you sent me the blueprints to check out, It doesnt matter if they compile or not because of the null references.

Shirk - PMed with my blueprints.

UMG Tutorial: drawing health and armor - will work on VR as well.

UMG Tutorial: Drawing weapon information: ammo, ammo in backpack and if it’s reloading.

Tutorial: How to create icons from 3d meshes.

Tutorial: using materials in UMG instead of textures.

UMG Tutorial: How to change weapons from UMG. Lot info about blueprint communication.

Tutorial: Create first scene tips.

wall walking spider.

Tutorial: Create boss enemy robot. Melee damage, ragdoll and simple AI.


Flying drone second iteration:

Tutorial: Player damage effects: blood splats, distortion, camera shake and dying effect.

Moderator help needed: any chance to change the topic name? It should have [GAME] instead of [MOBILE]