Mobile rendering performance compared to Unity

I have previously developed in Unity, and wasn’t that happy with performance on mobile. So I ran a simple comparison with Unreal.

I’m new to Unreal, but was surprised to see Unity a lot faster on my phone… What are other people’s experiences and is there some obvious: run faster flag I missed in Unreal!?

  1. Both are release/production builds
  2. Unity is using IL2CPP
  3. Both are using forward renderer/shading
  4. Unreal is set to Mobile and Scalable performance
  5. Phone is :Honor Play Cor-L29
  6. Unity using standard shaders
  7. Both using 1 directional light with no shadows
  8. The second Unity example in the video is with GPU instancing turned on: a lot faster.

I should mention I have had a good read around for anything obvious :slight_smile:

Lol, that’s so cute.

Several reasons for your “findings” are here for you to be found:

Performance Guidelines for Mobile Devices

Mobile Performance Tips and Tricks

Performance and Profiling

Packaging and Cooking Games

Please read and understand that no one else can do that for you. Thank You.