Like many others I’m struggling with de provisioning to launch my project on iOS. I read the UE docs, the Q&A’s and 16 - iOS Set-up and Development - YouTube to setup my project for iPad.
Downloaded the .cer and .mobileprovision files through Apple developer account (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles). Made sure the Bundle ID matches that of my project.
When I use Iphonepackager to ‘import a mobile provision’ > no check appears, only 'Could not find file … UE4Game-Info.plist. I searched for this file, but didn’t find it anywhere.
When I use ‘Import Provision’ under Edit>Project Settings>iOS in UE4.15.1… I get ‘No Provisions Found. Please Import a Provision’. (Import of the Certificate was succesfull I guess, since it mentions my developer name and status ‘Valid’.)
In UE tried to ‘Launch’ on device All_iOS… but then UE seems to crash.
Need to finish this project so all suggestions are welcome.
Please Epic, is it a bug, can you update the docs or make this flow more intuitive?
Are you on a Mac or PC? You will need to resolve the Provisions issue before you are able to Launch onto an iOS device for testing. If you are on a PC, you will only be able to Launch On or Package for iOS if your project is Blueprints only (No Code) If there is code in your project, you will either need to remote build on a Mac from your PC, or move your project to a Mac where code will be converted to Xcode when packaging.
If you have not already, review the steps on the following link:
Yes, I assumed also, but wanted to try anyway because provision is imported (in project settings), only not visible in any way. When Launched, at first UE seemed to freeze, then it cooked? and then crashed. Now there is a ‘Content’ folder with files in /Projectfolder/Saved/EditorCooke /IOS/Projectname/
There is no code in the project for all I know, only Blueprints. How do I check to make sure?
And do you know why UE4Game-Info.plist could not be found when importing provision with Iphonepackager? Does that matter anyway?
I tested iOS provisioning with a clean 2D sidescroller blueprint (instead of first person) … same problem with importing, in Iphonepackager (no checks) and in UE project settings (‘no provisions found…’).
In the Mobile Provisioning section, even if you have an invalid provision it will import and be visible if you select View: All. (Like in your Certificates in the image above.)
In addition to downloading the provisions, you must first add devices. Step four on the iOS Quick Start. Provsions are specific to the devices you add in your Apple Development Account as well as projects.
Also, I notice your Bundle Identifier is not in the following format: com.YourCompany.Project
Please go back to the beginning of the iOS Quick Start and follow the instructions step by step. One minor error can cause your Provisions not to match your Certificate, in which case it will error out and not import as you have been experiencing.
I’ve followed the steps again. Please, follow my steps below.
I used Iphonepackager to generate the .csr and .key file for the specific .uproject (didn’t use the import options here, instead used the import options in UE project settings as final step). Notice the ‘Could not find… UE4Game-Info.plist’
Made a Certificate, App ID and Provisioning Profile (Device stays the same iPad / can’t remove it) in my Apple Developer Account
When I click Import Provision in project settings I get ‘…mobile provision file already excists…’ When I click OK I get (again) ‘No provisions found…’.
I did not choose the Wildcard app ID. Those showing up in the image above are the typical Certs & Provisions we use for testing. Instead, I started from scratch in this walk-through by creating a new Development certification and its matching provision (Highlighted in Green)
I ran into (and ignored) the same “Could not find… plist” error you have pictured above. This did not affect the process. If you still cannot create a working certificate pair by:
Creating a certificate first then
linking a mobile provision to that specific certificate (These are two completely separate steps)
…then respond in detail what you tried and we will continue to investigate.
The only thing I can see different is that you are downloading your certificates and provisions to a different drive. Please try moving these to your local drive (or same drive UE4 is installed on) Then try importing these same Certs & Provsions again. You do not have to recreate and download from Apple but you may need to install/double-click the certificate on the C/Local drive before trying to install the provision from the same C/Local drive.
Try this and let me know if this does not resolve your issue.
I moved the cert/prov files to the download folder on local C drive. Installed/double-clicked the certificate on the C… It didn’t solve the problem. To be sure I removed all, followed the same steps again and downloaded/saved the new files to the download folder. Installed the .cer file again, then the provision file in project settings. Didn’t resolve the issue.
I found the same issue here
“the problem was about my USB security program. It was a kind a program which limit USB devices for security reasons.”
and here
“but my screen will always stay exactly as the pic i uploaded it stays GREY and no green chechmark appears and it sais no provisioN BUT ITS THERE ! and when i try to install the game it does !”
Can you tell me, what do these answers mean? Is it a fix?
And after 2.5 hours processing > Error Deployment ‘Install \ Update of “B16RH8iPad.ipa” failed with The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid’