Mobile how to light SkelMeshActor?

I can’t get SkelMeshActor to be lighted on mobile preview and the device.


  1. Create a blank level,
  2. Add one spot light,
  3. Add SkelMeshActor,
  4. Add LightMass Importance volume,
  5. Open in Mobile Preview

You will see that SkelMeshActor isn’t lighted it’s black. I’m using 4.4 from GitHub (without updates).

Anyone know how to properly light SkelMeshActors on Mobile?

Adding DirectionalLight works the same, every SkelMeshActor is black.

Using unmodified 4.5 here. Adding a stationary Directional Light appears to be the only way to light a skeletal mesh with direct light on mobile. You can only use one Directional Light in the scene as others will be ignored by the skeletal mesh.

I’ve found that any type of point lights or spot lights will not light skeletal meshes with direct light at all.

Answer from Epic Dev about this here:

So if I have indoor and dont want to light it using directional light Im screwed? Great.

Yeah I had the same thought - I’m not sure what to do about indoor scenes. Any Epic devs with some ideas about how to light skeletal meshes indoors on mobile - if we can’t use spot or spotlights?