Mobile Depth Of Field

Hello community and Epic,

i can’t understand, why i can’t get depth of field working on my Android Mobile and on html.
My mobile platform is a Huawei P9 with a Mali T880 GPU, which is capable of opengl / es 3.2, vulkan 1.0 and Direct3D 11.0.

The setup:

  • PostProcessingVolume in level with “unbound” ticked.
  • Checked if “Mobile HDR” is set in the Project Settings.
  • Even added the line “r.tonemapperfilm=1” to the Rendering Settings section in the DefaultEngine.ini.
  • Created a DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini and set every Android section the same as Android_High (for html too).

But with no success x(

Please help, i’m so close to release, but there MUST be dof to achieve the quality i expect from my project.


If anybody is interested in what my project is like, here is a link to the html (WIP) version:


Note: Site is down at the moment.

When I open the link on a desktop browser (Firefox Nightly 55.0a1 (2017-05-08) (64-bit) on OS X 10.12.3), I don’t see a depth of field effect on the main menu with the grass blades on the background. Is this something you are seeing working on desktop, but not in mobile?

The page is built with UE 4.15, which only supports WebGL 1. I think the next version will have WebGL 2 support in it. Now I’m not sure if that will give depth of field, but might be worth to test when it comes out. (If you build UE4 from source in GitHub, then you can already try it out in master branch iirc)

Hi juj,

thanks for your comment.
In the editor i only see dof on prewiev rendering level sm4 and sm5.
Maybe it is like you mentioned, that dof on mobile is only supported on the source version of UE4.

The problem i have now on html5 is that everything is offset, but i will open a new post for this matter.

Here is the link

Discussing with more knowledged Unreal Engine 4 developers, they mention that it might be possible to get depth of field working with “set r.TonemapperFilm=0 and also set the Scale value for the Depth of Field to something non zero (eg 1), DoF should work on Mobile and HTML5 in 4.15.”

Also trying with UE 4.16 would be good, since that adds WebGL 2 support.

Do they think it might be possible, or is it working for them with these settings ?

I think it was tested to work, though on desktop, and not on a mobile device. It is possible that browser specific WebGL driver issues can give problems on mobile, so it’s good to test on desktop as well.