MMO Starter Kit

I’ve looked into this, I think it was because of some tax settings at sellfy. I think I fixed it, can you try again and see if it still says $115? It should charge $95.

About item dropping, Zeiten is right, it is indeed easy to make, but then, there are other useful features also not hard to make: minimap, experience, currency, simple equip system, etc. Perhaps I will make a Trello account soon for everyone to vote on the possible new features. For now, persistent item dropping will be the first on my list so expect to see it added very soon :slight_smile:

Okay so this is what I get.

MMO Starter Kit for Unreal
Tax (18%)
Total payment

MMO Starter Kit for Unreal
Choose a way to pay

Your payment summary

    $95.00 USD

Total: $95.00 USD

It still mentions that there is tax but for some reason the total now says $95 and when I go to checkout it does say it is $95 So I think you fixed it, for whatever reason it was being stupid though.

So it is confirmed now that the issue with the price and tax is fixed.

Luna and Zeiten, check your PM please. :slight_smile:

Which engine version should I use?

Look forward to all of those especially persistent dropping! Exciting news! :cool:

The latest stable version, 4.6. I will try to always keep up with the latest stable version. It will still give you the message “the project was built with another version…”, this is because I don’t include some files that are built in the distributed package (otherwise it would be 14 GB ).

Jump is already set up (the same jumpstart - jumploop - jumpend style that in the official starter project), it’s just the demo girl model doesn’t have the jump animations so t-pose is used instead. The distributed package uses Epic’s blue guy model so jump will work there right away. The rest can be done very easily by just looking at some example and modifying the animation blueprint accordingly. The network part will work automatically because position is replicated and those animations depend only on position (as opposed to, say, weapon swap animation).

Hey Code Spartan,

I was wondering if you could post a license since you did not release on the marketplace? I just want to know what i can and cannot do with the content. like sharing with my team on our project. that kind of stuff.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, im from Russia too and paypal don’t allow me to buy in dollars (only in rubles). I send e-mail to you on, if it is not correct e-mail please tell me, or send e-mail on

@: Awesome job, just been given the go ahead by my business partners to purchase this for one of our prototypes. 8-}

Just a quick question, are we going to get updates on this product or is this a once-off purchase. Still worth the money either way … was just curious. 8-}

Update: Puchased - busy downloading … will start putting my UI in to this puppy and changing the players … 8-} … Have a deadline of 6 weeks for a prototype … ooooweeeee … would be impossible without this pack … thank you .


First i wanna say thanks for the toolkit! it is very detailed in its documentation and they inventory u added is a great demonstration of how to go about a basic one. I had some questions though about how i would go about customizing things a little further.

On my game im working on the character will have many interdependent statistics and traits that all tie together to give things like health and stamina and endurance, ect. These were previously located in MyCharacter and i had them on the same graph as my movement and camera controls. I guess question numero uno is do i place these into the same location or should i be placing them somewhere else so they get updated and saved properly to the serverDB. and to add to that once saved would i need to add anythign special to ensure when the player logs in again that they have the new updated stats?

Question 2 I have an idea for expanding on your inventory and building my basic armor and equipment screen would you have any good ideas to cast stat changing armor back to player charachter?

@: You mention Windows only but I am assuming that because it is the Source Engine Build of Unreal and you are not using DLLs, it should be able to be compiled on Linux for the Dedicated Server. Basically I will use Linux for all the servers (I have over 15 years of experience in Linux) as I want to cut the overhead out and license costs of Windows servers.

So there is nothing fancy that you are doing (i.e. including MySQL DLLs or something like that) … theoretically it should be possible to get the dedicated server working on Linux. I use Digital Ocean for all my Virtual Servers.

If I get it working, we can collaborate on the documentation for that if you want. 8-}

Any news if this works in linux?

I have been going through the code and there is nothing that should prevent it from working as far as a dedicated server is concerned.

The chat server and chat client are C# … but with some mono work I should be able to get them working in Linux … failing that I can fall back to Java for this … the services itself are short and simple which helps. 8-}

The patcher however uses a 7zip DLL … so this would need to be changed and modified … once again some mono work should suffice to tackle this … once again I can fall back to Java … but not sure clients will want to download a JRE in order to play your game … then again … who knows.

It is still early days and I am currently just busy pushing all my code to the repo and getting my head around the inner workings on Windows … once that is done I can then look at Linux Dedicated Server and hopefully Linux/Mac client and utilities as well. I will keep everyone up to date … I will probably start a new thread so as not to derail this thread. 8-}

It doesn’t use it, it’s a leftover from an old version. It currently uses 7za.exe (7-zip command line).

Thanks for both your replies, the biggest thing I was worried about was buying it and not being able to run the server in linux…

I will think about a license, but for now just consider that this uses the same license as the marketplace. Some of the demo art and sounds are CC-BY, you can check who the authors are in the online documentation.

I plan to release updates approximately once a month.

Place them in MMOCharacter, where Health and Mana currently are. Then proceed depending on the type of the stat:

For stats that don’t depend on character’s level/class (for example: current stamina, current rage, level, experience, proficiency with a weapon, haircut style):

In mysql, add your new stats to the characters’ table. In mmogetcharacter.php look how the stats like health are fetched from the db and sent back, do the same for your new stats. Then in “JSONRequests” BP find what the server does when it receives GetCharacter response with those stats and add the nodes for your new stats.

For stats that depend on character’s level/class (they can also depend on itemization/buffs) (for example: stamina, rage, crit strike):

Those are easy. Once the character logs in, the server should calculate those stats, set the values and send an RPC with the values to the client. Then when the character is buffed or equips an item the server should do the same for individual stats. It’s important not to store them in the db so that you can easily make changes to character classes/level up system later.

Basically once a player clicks on an item they want to equip, they should send a “TryToEquip” RPC to the server with the number of item’s slot. The server checks that the client can indeed wear this piece of armor based on class and/or level (the client should check for this as well, but the server does the final check). If everything is ok, the server adds the bonuses to the player’s stats and sends back the RPC with the updated equip of the character. The client receives, displays the equipped armor in the UI and updates the local stats so that the player can see what their equip and stats are.

I haven’t read very much but I love the concept and I think it would be amazing if this was made open source and set to an open project where everyone can work on. Imagine how awesome it would be if everyone had an easy way to create an awesome MMO, there would be floods of new awesome MMOs coming out and surely some would prevail better than others and I would love if one of them because truly amazing ;D
Either way, great job! Even if it’s not free doesn’t matter, still awesome!

so i feel like this ties in with my question above classes EX: hunter, engineer, Combat, Medical, ect. they would also go in MMOCharacter as well and in addition to that if i wanted to make it so the player could acquire multiple classes i could get away with a few Boolean values of IS “CLASS” and have some if then logic to apply how and when said class could be acquired. correct?

In addition to that what would you recommend as a good method for keeping track of future differences of my blueprints to your future updates?

I’m not 100% sure because I haven’t started with the character classes yet but here’s what I currently think is the best way: make a C++ Enum “CharacterClass”, and add a variable of this type to MMOCharacter BP. You need a C++ enum so it can be used in inventory items which are DataAssets (for example to make an item only usable to hunters). If you need the characters to be able to have multiple classes, make the variable in MMOCharacter an array of this new enum.

I haven’t decided on this one yet, but I think there can be two approaches: people who are serious about this and work fast should check the updates for the things they need, check how those things are done and update their project manually.

People who are new to Unreal or hobbyists can do the reverse: document their changes, comment and assign a specific color to their BP nodes, and when they feel the updated kit is much better than their version, apply their changes to the newest version of the kit. With this second approach you could also make a derived blueprint when you want to add a lot of new things, then when the update comes just migrate the BP to the updated project and parent it to the updated BP.