MMO Starter Kit

Under modify you can select “common tools”…
updating now :slight_smile:

i forget say that xD, well you can work whit this :smiley:

remember build the source c++ file in visual if you don’t do that you can’t use this launcher

In the Meantime i can’t compile this project xD

You have problems whit the MMOPlayerControlers ?

In the Ue 4 10 4 folder… I click setup, and all goes well. I then click generate project files and I get the VS 2015 error, So, I can’t compile anything… :frowning:

problem’s picture ?

if you can’t generate the project files por vs tick all the options for install in vs 2015, i do this and work fine

Yup… doing that right now :slight_smile:

Thank you bud.

no problem ^^ you are welcome

can u compile the mmo kit in the normal launcher ? whit out problems ?


You are the man… And thank you Nemodan for your help also.

I have gotten past the error by installing the kitchen sink and everything else in 2015.

Compiling 4 10 4 now.

Thank you both for helping out. After the 4.10.4 builds… I’ll move into renaming my project, then move on to more game work.

I really can’t thank you guys enough for all your help.

Clifford M. Brock

Now returning you to your regular MMOkit programming.


Glad to hear you have everything working, I know it can be frustrating, good training for bug fixing when you have to compile that 40 gig project Build!:smiley:


Blueprint cheat sheet I ran across: LINK Scroll down a bit, has link to printable versions.

thanks ^^, i wanna see you work finish

Can you tell us what errors or problems your having?

I have this problem : Screenshot - c0e1f10773cdfea18b103ac40e292523 - Gyazo and other but frist this xD

Sorry bud. I am not a programmer… But, on the bright side… there are a number of very talented people here. And, you might try contacting in Skype. He has been a TON of help to me over the last year or so I have owned the kit. He has even taught me stuff… I have had a idea… or a problem in the past and he has shown me a solution… and left me to figure out how it works. ( I have asked him not to just resolve my issue. but, help me how to learn.)

Here is a picture he sent me a couple weeks ago. I am still trying to make heads or tails of it:

I gave up on it until the I got my new machine built… I am still trying to get a 2 TB drive to be seen on my Gigabyte X99 gaming 5P MB. And, I want to try and get a M2 drive to put the kit and the Ue 4 engine on so they compile faster. Right now, I am on 2 1.5 transfer rate drives, so… After I finish up new Hardware I will go back to the kit.

Best of luck with your issue man.


I am not the greatest debugger, I’ll take a look see what I see, you can also download skype and get in touch with , he may be much more help with this specific issue.

I think I 'm going to use as a last resource