MMO Level Scale Problems


we are an organization building a next-gen MMO game and we decided to use Unreal Engine 4. Our goal is to build one large level with seamless player movement. Now we face the following problems regarding level size:

  1. Level streaming state is replicated to all clients, but a work-around exists.
  2. It seems that UE4 has maximum level bound of 500,000x500,000 uu. This is due to floating-point rounding. A partial solution is to use the SetWorldOrigin command around the player location, but this is problematic with multiplayer. What solutions exists to mitigate this problem?
  3. Is it actually possible to down-scale all actors and levels with realistic camera scale, lighting and physics?

Are there recommendations for building large scale MMO games for UE4?


In 4.6 gameplay world size was increased from 5x5km to 20x20km. We have tested gameplay features on world borders and they work fine. So I would recommend to upgrade your engine version to 4.6

Thank you very much for your fast response, it is appreciated.

We work with the 4.6 version. But we aim to have a 150150150km project. Is a workaround available/possible to exceed the “limit” and still be compatible for multiplayer?

Kind regards

I don’t think world of this size can be made as one seamless map. You will need to subdivide it to several maps, and travel between them, similar to traveling between continents in WoW.