Mixed Reality set up in Unreal for Varjo

I am trying to incorporate into a VR project that I have been working on the possibility to switch the scene to XR. The scene is composed mainly by an object in the center and an HDRI background.

I have followed this walkthrough to set up the XR: Mixed Reality with Unreal Engine 5 | Varjo for developers
But when testing on a Varjo headset nothing happens. I am triggering the switch to XR through a button on a menu instead of a keyboard input. All other aspects I kept the same as the instructions on the above link.

Which is odd is that when testing this example provided by Varjo: GitHub - varjocom/VarjoUnrealOpenXRExamples at 5.1-1.2.0 I can´t see the passthrough camera either. Mixed reality information shows as it is not supported. I have OpenXR enabled on the Varjo app.

Does anyone have an idea of what the issue can be here? I would really appreciate any help on the subject.

One thing to make sure is that the Varjo runtime is set as the active OpenXR runtime, so it’s launching though it and not SteamVR.

You can use the OpenXR explorer tool to check which runtime is active, and what features it supports: GitHub - maluoi/openxr-explorer: A cross-platform OpenXR capabilities explorer and runtime switcher with a CLI and GUI.

If everything is correctly set up, it should also show XR_ENVIRONMENT_BLEND_MODE_ALPHA_BLEND under xrEnumerateEnvironmentBlendModes in the View Configuration tab.