I am trying to incorporate into a VR project that I have been working on the possibility to switch the scene to XR. The scene is composed mainly by an object in the center and an HDRI background.
I have followed this walkthrough to set up the XR: Mixed Reality with Unreal Engine 5 | Varjo for developers
But when testing on a Varjo headset nothing happens. I am triggering the switch to XR through a button on a menu instead of a keyboard input. All other aspects I kept the same as the instructions on the above link.
Which is odd is that when testing this example provided by Varjo: GitHub - varjocom/VarjoUnrealOpenXRExamples at 5.1-1.2.0 I can´t see the passthrough camera either. Mixed reality information shows as it is not supported. I have OpenXR enabled on the Varjo app.
Does anyone have an idea of what the issue can be here? I would really appreciate any help on the subject.