Mixamo to Metahuman IkRetargeting crashes Unreal engine everytime

Im trying to IkRetarget animations from a mixamo character to a MetaHuman character. I get everything working and it looks good when I preview an animation but when I go to export the animations it crashes every time without fail. I did this exact same thing before on the same IkRig setup and it worked perfectly.

Crash log I get is also the same everytime:

This is the IkRig im trying to retarget from:

This is the IkRig im trying to retarget onto:

And this is what my IkRetargeter setup looks like:

Any help is greatly appreciated. Im also open to try different ways of getting the animations onto the skeletal mesh.

I figured it out and its because I was using the Mixamo mannequin. Instead what you have to do is use a program called “Mixamo Converter” and convert the animation files from Mixamo using that. Then after you get the converted animation files you import them into unreal and use the default Unreal Engine 4 mannequin as the skeletal rig and retarget from the unreal mannequin skel onto the metahuman skel.

Youtube video explaining how to use Mixamo Converter: