Missing the ‘New C++ Class’ option when I right click in my Content Browser

Anyone able to tell me why I am missing the ‘New C++ Class’ option when I right click in my Content Browser?
This is in a brand new Third person Blueprint project.

Missing New C++ Class.JPG


Hello! To widely use C++ source you should create project not from BP but C++ 3rd Person template

EDIT: In BP project you can add C++ source with Editor Main Menu File->New C++ Class. After that most of C++ things will appear

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Right-click on your .uproject file from Windows Explorer and there should be an option of “Generate Visual Studio Project Files”. It should fix your issue.


For anyone coming to this from a search engine: in UE5 it’s under Tools → New C++ Class


You’re a lifesaver, I have no idea why this was so hard for me to find



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Seriously, thank you! I was looking every where for this.

why not having the right click menu option in the content browser is a mystery. it appears if you right click in the plugin folders.

In older version, C++ class is mixed with BluePrint in Content Browser. Expand the Content Browser on the top left corner, you will see C++ class listed under another folder. Alternatively, you can find create new C++ class in File.

Lifesaver :partying_face:

Just want to point out real quick that this is OUTRAGEOUSLY bad UX. They absolutely need to change this.

thank you

Muchas gracias, campeón