So after updating my project from EA2 to Preview (using the latest commit as well from 5.0 on Github), when i package the game, all the hair in my metahuman character dissapears. However, if i play in the editor (on Standalone Game mode) the hair is there.
This is what i have in the log when running the packaged game.
We managed to find a solution. Since there is the possibility of differences of scale between the components of metahuman (Body, Face, etc), Hair, fuzz, eylashes and any kind of groom attached are hierarchy binded to their parents. So you have to change the Bounds Scale of the Face (or body, if there is any groom attached to it) at blueprint, if you do it at scene, you’ll have to overwrite the blueprint before save, or else it will lost the setup.
Here we changed from 1 to 100, it worked perfeclty, we were facing this problem using the cinematic cameras + sequencer + render queue. So It’s possible that it is the same problem at play / rendering / packing time.
Please let me know if it works for you guys
Hope It was helpful!
Ok never mind, I figured it out.
For those that find this and don’t know how. Right click on your .uproject file and open with note pad. You can edit from here and add the above lines.
Worked for me so thanks heaps.
thank you for the solution, could you please help me out with implementing it?
Initially I’ve pasted the code into the file, which made it not readably by Unreal. Then i typed the things manually and the file is visible for Unreal now, but hair still doesn’t render.
Maybe there are some other necessary steps that i might have missed ? I have skin cache option activated in the project’s settings and the necessary two groom plugins installed as well.