The foliage in the game “Grass, Trees, Rocks” are missing still have collision and are not visible in the game whats happening?
Oh my god!
I have this problem to!
In unreal engine 4.19 to be exact.
I would like to get some help aswell if possible.
Have you found a fix for this problem already by any chance?
Please someone help.
Based of what I’m seeing with you you also have some problems going on but this may feel like a Technical Programmer over at Epic could provide a fix.
I use Unreal on both Windows 10 and Linux this issue only occurs on the Linux version so I found it strange that the foliage wasn’t working correctly and I
do not have a fix for it myself and I tried to find a fix for it but this seems to be a obscurity I don’t know how to fix it and also has strange side effects such as:
Grass completely gone, Sprayed Foliage Trees would appear from a far distance and not from the actual distance that was placed on the Max distance in the foliage tool itself the worst
part about this is that even if the grass or any foliage is drawn the performance acts like if nothing wrong is going on and acts like normal and trying to delete the foliage entirely actually
worses the games FPS from around 60 - 55 to 35FPS and lower.
I’m not sure what is going on but I do not have a fix for it and I don’t even know if the techs at Epic have a fix themselves.
The only thing I can think is that maybe the current Engine version may be the problem.
Hey ErnestoEFL,
I think i found our problem in the ue issues website.
That is the one i am pretty sure, but it says theres no fix for it now, and we have to wait till 4.20 comes out.
Also as you can see it says it has to do with effects quality.
But even if i put it to: effectsquality 0, it still doesnt fix it
No this does not even feel accurate the issue has nothing to do with effects quality if anything its not even close.
IF anything its the 4.19 version of the engine which ****** me off I regret upgrading the game to this version especially when the issue feels completely
outside of our control and it had like 6 different previews yet this slipped by.
Hello ErnestoEFL i just booted up unreal engine and realised there is a update
Now my question to you is, sir, do you know if the grass problem is already fixed?
Thanks in advance
Hello again ErnestoEFL,
I think it might be fixed!
“Hiding and showing a level with painted foliage at runtime caues the foliage to disappear”
Well a fine day to you sir, I’m afraid I cant check the gosh dang Launcher refuses to let me sign in to install it and so far I have no knowledge of what on earth is
going on in there at the time its just refusing to sign in and well not much to do or say I’m afraid.
What are you running UE4 on “OS”?
Heey ErnestoEFL,
Sorry for the late response i am pretty sure we are in a different time zone.
So the os i am using is windows 10, and i had problems signing in yesterday aswell.
Its really stupid but what i did to fix this was disabling windows defender in windows 10.
For some reason (for me) that caused me to not be able to login to the epic games launcher. (After it had a update).
I dont really like to have no anti virus so i decided to just download avg as a, hopefully temporary anti virus for me.
I really hope this fixes it for you aswell.
The servers were probably down for maintenance my engine is being installed at the time being and il see whats going on with the missing foliage issue.
I also have it on Windows 10 I also had it on Linux but stuck to Windows for it instead.
Hi there, if it’s the same issue I was having I think I might have a fix. If you go to the foliage tab and on the left there are options, one fo them is “select”, hit select all and then either on your keyboard “delete” and “ctrl Z” this brough all my foliage back. I hope this helps someone.