I have encountered a problem with project file generations while using UE 4.22 downloaded from launcher.
There is an expecption thrown while generating project file for UE4.vcxproj “Could not find definition for module ‘Distorm’ (referenced via allmodules option → LiveCodingServer.Build.cs)”. As the result there are missing data for Intellisense so when i open any .cpp file in engine all includes are invalid.
Generated project file for game is ok. It only affects UE4.vcxproj - there are no paths to UE4 sources in NMakeSearchPaths variable.
Reinstalling ue4 doesn’t help
With the engine built from git sources project file generation is ok. If i copy Source/ThirdPary/Distorm from git engine version to installed build then described problem is solved.
May be there is a better way to fix it?