Misplaced Builds in UEFN


When placing regular Fortnite tiles through a UEFN session and reopening the UEFN file, the tiles/builds happen to be misplaced in a strange orientation off-grid. (First and Second Picture) Sometimes when you reorient them in their proper position through the Fortnite session instead of UEFN, the builds will still appear to be misplaced within UEFN but not the session. (Third Picture showcases this)

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Place tiles in a launched session (Not using UEFN but the normal creative session inside of the UEFN file) and reopen the file after saving.

Expected Result

The tiles should be misplaced.

Observed Result

The tiles are misplaced



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Hello, Welcome to the Forums,

Just wanted to pop in here to say you’re not the only one seeing this.

second this this is happening to me