Hi volks,
i moved my current project from 4.7 over to 4.8 the last couple of days. The overall VR performance/experience is way better than before but i have a few problems…
On 4.7 i got this picture mirrored in fullscreen on on the Display so people not wearing a vr headset could see what the actual user could see:
Now i think that i get the picture from the left eye mirrored (sans the vr border and the distortions):
In general that’s fine of course (especially for presentations), but now its no longer possible for that screen to be in fullscreen (i would have no problem with the letterboxing on the left and right, but at least everything besides the actual picture would be black
second… the kind of view from 4.7 was very helpful in testing, for small things i find it anyoing to put the vr headset on everytime, so it would be nice to have an option that toggles the two kinds of view as needed and maybe change the look of the single frame view from 4.8 a little bit because i would like it if you could let some of the distortions in it)
Is there a way to achieve this? (fullscreen, displaymode and look of it)^^