Mirror entire Level


I’m having trouble with mirroring an entire level in Unreal 4.
I’ve looked everywhere for this solution, but haven’t found anyone else having this problem.

So I’m currently working on a ArchViz project for both Windows and VR.
One thing with architecture is that some of the houses are almost always mirrored to each other.
Instead of having to manually rescale (+1 to -1) and move every asset in the level, I was hoping there was some kind of “Mirror level / map / world” function that I can use instead.

I’ve been working for a while with blueprints and had an eye on the “WorldPositionOffset” but the problem here is that the pivot of the architectural assets are not centered in the middle of any of the meshes.

Is there really no way of just making a ExecuteConsoleCommand “mirrorWorldX” or anything alike?
Maybe even a way to mirror the camera could work, but I’m not sure how this will work with the VR mode.

Please help!

Hey Kodaq,

This solution worked for me: “If you go to Editor Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts, and search for Mirror, you will find that actions to mirror actors along individual axes already exist. You just need to bind these to keys of your choosing.”

Then select all actors (Ctrl + A) and use your binding to mirror everything.

Is that what you were looking for?

I’ve had a look on that function before. And all that really does is changing a value in scale from + to - and back. So it isn’t really what i was looking for.

And the problem, as i mentioned before, with using that function (or changing the scale value manually) is that the pivot isn’t centered. So selecting all the actors and mirroring everything makes every object scale to the wrong places.

What I did manage to find out though is whenever grouping object, the pivot centers in the middle of those objects.
So grouping everything and then scaling managed to fix alla static meshes.
The only problem now is that all my blueprints and lights are incorrectly rotated, and all my baked lights needs to be rebaked.

So I’m really looking for a fix to easily mirror the entire game. Are there any plans for this function in the future, or is there any option for this in the level editor or anything alike?

I’m also having the same problem, has anyone found a quick way to mirror an entire level, without having to mess around the blueprints and re-bake the whole level all over again?


Also having this issue. In 2018.

Also having the same issue here. How to mirror an entire level so that it runs continuously perpetually in any direction. Tim Hobson, can you help us?

So you have multiple of the same houses in a scene. Each house is in its own level. The house levels get streamed into a final level to build the scene? Is that correct? Why are houses mirrored? Why not rotate them?

Hello, did you find a solution in the end? i have the same problem, I want to mirror the level at runtime. I have set up a post process material and successfully mirrored the level that way. However, the attached colliders arent mirroring with the static meshes, so its very limiting. I wonder if you found a better way. Thanks