Mirage Solo - Instant preview visual glitches, controller tracking and HMD tracking

we’re using Unreal Studio on 4.21 and trying to use instant preview on Lenovo Mirage Solo in order to reduce our test time.
We followed this guide to set it up: Instant Preview  |  Google VR  |  Google Developers

We didn’t use GoogleVR fork since it is based on 4.20 and we need the new features in 4.21.

If i launch the VR preview i manage to see the missing parts of the interface from the editor (which are hidden as soon as i enable Google VR plugin and Google VR Controller plugin), but the camera doesn’t follow the HMD - we only see the controller moving.

We followed this guide to set up the controller: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Platforms/GoogleVR/HowTo/MotionController

GoogleVRMotionController isn’t tracking, we had to use MotionController on the right hand in order to get position and orientation data from the controller. Touches on the trackpad area of the controler are displayed on GVR component, so it appears that it is receiving something.

Are we doing something wrong?