Mip Map/Texture Group Help

My project crashed today and ever since I got it back up and running, most of my textures have been extremely blurry. I’ve discovered that I can go into each texture and set the Mip Gen Settings to “NoMipMaps” and it will fix each individual texture, but I’d prefer to just be able to use the “FromTextureGroup” setting, as I always have in the past, so that I can still use mipmaps and not have to change EVERY texture manually.

Is there an .ini setting somewhere, that perhaps became messed up when my project crashed, that I need to reset in order to be able to use MipMaps again?


I want to know this too. what the heck is the answer Unreal Employes?

Maybe a necro, but this still appears to be an issue. We just hit this problem ensuring a large number of UI textures (set to the UI texture group) actually respect the MipGen settings from the .ini

There is an issue currently where texture group mip gen settings from the engine level and the project level will get combined together and overwritten.

Check to see that if you don’t have duplicate entries under [/Script/Engine.TextureLODSettings] inside of Engine\Config\BaseDeviceProfiles.ini and Game\Config\DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini. The order of these inside the text file is important, as it corresponds directly to an enum in code. I suggest commenting out one or the other in either .ini - whichever is more convenient for you.